May 2022 at Living Word – A Helper Comes from God

The Holy Spirit is still at work in our world today. Jesus promised believers they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes and we allow ourselves to be filled.

God’s word is full of commands and promises. A German Shepherd can learn more than 60 commands and obey everyone of them with trust at the spoken word. How many commands have you learned? How do you respond to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word? Jesus had given 3 years earthly training & a 40-day refresher course. Now He was gone to prepare a place but not leaving us alone. Build a relationship with the One who knows the game you are in. The outcome depends on it! Are you even attending the training events? We have been provided with the perfect coach and guide.

Back up has arrived now get to work. Grow in what you know then allow God’s love to show. Spread the word.

May 1 If you had to publicly address a crowd of skeptics would you have stage fright or would you speak with power and authority? People had come from near and far seeking what was promised to come – Peter preached at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter. Acts 1:8; 2:1-42; John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is a special helper from God. How does your life speak to those around you?

May 8 – People were amazed. He could not forget this great event that took place after the over 40 years he had been through. He was able to jump up and praise God. Peter and John helped a lame man. The Holy Spirit helps Christians take a stand to tell others about the gift of Jesus and God’s plan. Acts 1:8; 3:1-4:22. Do you give credit to God for the great things He is able to do through your willingness to serve?

May 15 – Are you looking for that diet that promises the results you want? Did you know God revealed His plan for all with food? God heard the prayers and sent Peter to preach to Cornelius. The Holy Spirit calls and urges people to receive God’s salvation. Acts 1:8; 2:38; 10. God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell with believers who open up and let the Spirit come in to fill the spot created in each of us. Step out share the Gospel message.  

May 22 – Even while in chains he could sleep in peace. Even though he could be in his last days he was able to sleep in peace. It was so much more than a dream. There was a plan and a purpose. He was set free. People prayed for Peter. The Holy Spirit has worked and always will work in and through God’s creations. Luke12:12; Acts 1:8; 12:1-19. The Holy Spirit helps Christians in and through times of trouble. Are you fulfilling the plan He has for you.

May 29 – Would you read a book that tells you about a gift you can receive? What if it gave you ideas on ways to use your gifts? Peter wrote letters. The Holy Spirit guided people to write God’s words to provide a written guide for us to live by. 2 Peter 1:21; Acts1:8; 1 & 2 Peter.

The Guide Book took about 1500 years to come together and shares the inspiration given to fishermen, kings, murderers, physicians, prisoners, prophets, shepherds, and others under the guidance of God and the Holy Spirit. It reminds us to develop our character and faith as we trust the Holy Spirit to guide and provide while we wait for Jesus return.