Becoming and growing as a Christian is a life changing event.

School will be out soon but the summer is not a time to quit learning. Sometimes when students try to learn the 3r’s in school things just don’t add up because students need to learn and practice 3R’s from birth. No one is too young or too old to apply the R’s. Roll those R’s, live a Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful life.  Responsible – you should know and do what is expected of you. Romans 14:11-13; Respectful – Honoring the authority God places in your life 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24

Resourceful – Able and ready to take on projects that others would discard or overlook. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12; 1 Corinthians 4:12; Acts 20:24.   

Reading God’s word will help you and others to understand the mystery of Christ – Ephesians 3:4-6; 1 Tim 4:13-14

wRite it down, There is a place within you for God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to dwell –  2 Corinthians 3:2-3; Ezekiel 36:26-27; Joshua 1:8-9;23:6 

June 5 What is the greatest gift or talent you have? Nicodemus went to Jesus in the dark of night to learn more about Him. Jesus told Nicodemus great news! Jesus revealed to Nicodemus that the coolest thing He could do was save the world from sin! He found that out Jesus is the Savior and Nicodemus could share the news with all around. John 3:1-21; Romans 10:9 The Bible teaches that Jesus taught God’s plan for man. Jesus died on a cross, was buried, and was raised from dead for the forgiveness of our sins.

June 12 I have a choice to make when the Holt Spirit convicts me of my sin. I can continue down the wrong path or I can repent and turn away from sin and trust Jesus as my personal Savior. Paul and his friends talked to Lydia and her friends, who were worshiping by a river.  Acts 16:6-15; Romans 10:9 Lydia sold purple fabric, which was very expensive in her culture. Ultimately, the cross was more valuable to Lydia than any piece of cloth because Jesus saved her through His death on the cross! Lydia not only sold purple cloth, she trusted Jesus as her Savior and Lord. What do you place your trust in?

June 19 The Bible teaches us that Christians grow in their relationship with God through the help of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the spirit is the result of living a life for Christ. Galatians 1:1-9; 5:13-26; 6:1-19; Romans 10:9. Use Daily Bible Reading and the Holy Spirit to grow in what you know and allow God’s love to show. The Bible is designed to teach us how to live a Christian life. The Holy Spirit can empower us and help us grow in our relationship with God.

June 26 How do suffering and glory work in the life of those who love the Lord? Suffering is when people experience something really hard in their lives. God is with people when they struggle through difficult times. Acts 27-28; Romans 8:18; 10:9. No matter the suffering Paul went through, he still worshipped God! Glory is the highest honor anyone can receive!  Christians can trust God. God was with Paul during his difficult times. God provided a plan for salvation because of His love for us.

1.  Think about a time when God allowed you to go through something really hard.

2.  Did you trust that God was using your circumstance for good at the time?

3.  How can you see how God was working in your heart during that season now?

4.  How would you suggest people trust in God during hardship?

It can all add up and multiply in your life. – 2 Peter 1: 3-11

The Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth is full of examples on how to and how not to live your life. There is a Real God you can talk to no matter what time of day or night. Reach out to Him and build a relationship.
We do not always talk about our true feelings. It is ok to have concerns about telling people about Jesus, however the only fear you should have should come from being afraid you will not carry out the plan God designed you to do. When you do not try you will fail. When you do it on your own you will fail. God will provide the power and resources for you to complete the purpose for which you were designed when you work with Him. Build your relationship with God. Grow in what you know and let God’s love show.