May 2024 at Living Word

Have you seen the Master creation? God made everything. When there was nothing, God made something and it was good. God’s most important creation was you. Even from the beginning God had a plan for you to be in His family. How do you plan to grow in what you know and allow God’s love to show?

May 5 – Have you ever sat in total darkness? Darkness was everywhere. What would formless and empty look like? God had a purpose and order for something astonishing to take place. God made the sky, lands, seas, and plants. The plants were growing and producing fruit and seeds before the sun and moon was created. They grew from the Light and always toward the Light. Genesis 1:1-13, 31 You are not made like a plant, you have the ability to make choices. You can decide where you want to go and where you want to grow. Which way to you plan to grow and go?

May 12 – God made the Sun and Moon after Light was already allowing growth to take place. Genesis 1:4-5,14-19,31 Loving others and showing them the Light is an essential part of our walk with Christ. We must commit to sacrificially loving others daily. When we love people like Jesus does, we make a big difference in the world. Reflect the Light like the moon reflects the sun and people will be able to walk through darkness to the Light.

May 19 – Everything was made by His design with a purpose. Living animals were not made until they had a place to live and food to eat. For some their home was in the waters, some could fly in the sky, and others found places across the land. God created the world in 6 days and made the 7th a day of rest. Genesis 1:20-25,31. Today God provides the power and resources for you to fulfill you purpose and find rest in Him.  

May 26 – God made people different from all the other things He made. All of creation was made by the spoken word except mankind. God carefully formed the human body out of common dirt and breathed life by His own breath making it something really special. Designed in the image of God. God designed people to live a life filled with the Spirit of God. Genesis 1:26-2:24, 31; Psalm 139:14-16. You were fearfully and wonderfully made with a purpose.

May you Tell others about God’s plan for mankind – We can find comfort in the promise Jesus gave us and the Holy Spirit will be with us when we allow. The Holy Spirit will provide all the power and resources we need to carry out His plan in our lives. How are you training to follow the plan and task God designed you for?