April 2024 at Living Word

– What do you know about church? Why do we get together? Church is so much more than a building. A true church is the group of people who worship and serve God. They come together to grow in what they know. Supporting each other in the growth process as they build a relationship with God. This month our students learn through activities, and studying God’s word how the church was formed and how they can discover, give, grow, listen, learn, praise, pray, read, serve, sing and understand a relationship with God and His family. Galatians 6:7-10

April 7 They had more questions than answers. People from every nation had gathered in place. They were in unchartered territory, leaderless and afraid. There was a possibility they could be imprisoned or even killed but they had been told to sit tight and wait. Then came the sound of a Mighty rushing wind and it happened. The Holy Spirit empowered them and the 1st church was formed – Acts 2 – People at church gather to learn about God and Jesus. God provides the power and resources. People at church love each other and teach others about God and Jesus

April 14 They made enemies and some were jailed or killed yet the church boldly told about Jesus – Acts 4:1-20 –They preached the gospel and brought healing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Today People at church worship by singing, talking to God and sharing God’s Word. The Holy Spirit still provides power!

April 21 The church choose helpers – 1 Corinthians 12:28; Acts 6:1-7 – God places leaders, servants, and teachers in church but everyone should love each other and grow in what they know about God and Jesus, then allow God’s plan to show in their life.  

April 28th They did not allow the roadblocks to stop them. Severe persecution caused the early church to spread to other nations, The Antioch church helped so new believers could grow in their faith.  – Acts 11:19-30 – People at church show love for others and help them. No matter the resources or situation we are called to serve and support. Ask God to help you over the hurdles and stay on track with His plan.

Spring is showing us God’s plan of new growth. God gives us so much more. I urge you to take time now to study what God’s word has to say to you. I urge you to take time to pray every day both the young and old. Build your relationship with God, Let God’s story be told.

Your Growing season is now – Make your influence count for what matters. What fruit do you produce? Glorify God and let others see His love in you. Move the trash out and let God’s light shine through you. How can I be Distinct in my influence – Matthew 5:13-20; 1 Peter 2:12. How is God displayed in you? John 9:1-4 Ask God to guide you to a deeper relationship.