It is not hopeless! It is going to happen. Victory is coming. “Zombie attack.” it was just a show of God’s power over the grave. Jesus raised Lazarus after he had been in the tomb for 4 days. On Jesus death the dead walked the street because they were alive thru Christ. Who knows how long they had been in the grave but upon Jesus death they arose & appeared. 3 days later to the surprise of the guards the stone rolled away and Jesus was alive. He is still alive today preparing a place for you & I to live forever. The day he returns or your day of earthly death could be worse than any “Zombie attack” for many but a great day for others.  Are you prepared for that day? Thank God for His gift of Jesus. The truth is the debt was paid and God raised Jesus from the dead. He is alive and promised to return but for now He has left the Holy Spirit to dwell within us.

April, we celebrate Jesus. Jesus is God’s Son. He is alive and in heaven and one day He will return to earth and make everything new. Jesus walked the earth using Words from the Scriptures to help people understand things were happening that were in God’s plan for them. The fulfillment of God’s promise of redemption was taking place. God sent His One and Only Son to be sacrificed for our sins. Eye witness accounts were given, Christ was tried, convicted, crucified, and buried to pay the penalty for our sins.

April 2 Actions communicate care in ways your words can not. How do you welcome guest? Do you anxiously wait for the guest to arrive? Arrangements had to be made. Zechariah 9:9. Matthew 21:1-3; Luke 19:29-31. He had refused public recognition during the years of ministry. Now He was being publicly recognized as Jesus the Messiah and Savior as He entered Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-11; Luke 19:29-38; John 12:12-16, 14:6; 1 John 4:10. Jesus is not like anyone else. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus was the One sent by God to save me from my sins.

April 9 When is the last time someone did something nice for you? Did those actions solve a problem or change your outlook towards others? Was the act incredible, kind, and selfless? He did not resist the incredibly cruel soldiers who beat Him mercilessly. Jesus willingly died to pay the penalty for sin. Matthew 26:36-28:10; 1 John 4:10, Jesus took the punishment for sin by giving His life.

April 16 Do the experts have to examine the evidence? How do you explain an unbelievable event? What would be your reaction if a man you watched die just appeared in a lock room with you? Thomas believed Jesus is the Messiah and Savior. John 20:19-31; John 3:16; 1 John 4:10. It is ok to share your doubts if you are seeking to grow in what you know if you allow God to show the answers. People can believe that Jesus is the Savior. Jesus is Alive! Matthew 28:1-10; John 20:31.

April 23 When is the last time you made a promise? Have you been able to keep it? Jesus the Messiah and Savior restored Peter. Zechariah 13:7 John 13:36-38; 15:9, 18:15-18, 25-27; 21:1-19; 1 John 4:10. Jesus loves and forgives those who follow Him. Jesus helped the disciples. John 15:9; 20:31; 21:1-19 Jesus loved and helped His friends.

April 30 Jesus taught two men. Luke 20:31; 24:13-35 Jesus helped people learn about Him. Jesus ascended to heaven but promised He would return one day. Acts 1:4-11; 1 John 4:10. Jesus is in heaven but will return one day. Will you be prepared?

Do you love those moments of peace and quiet? The stage as been set and the price has been paid. No obstacles, squabbling or turmoil, eternal peace forever more. God’s peace will help us rise above our circumstances.  Work today to build that relationship and align with His plan and purpose in your life.