May 2023 at Living Word – Yes you may come study God’s Word with us.

May the Fourth be with you through out your daily life. “I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the Fourth is like the Son of God”. “Our God whom we serve is able”. No matter what is going on God has the power to get you through it if you are willing to plug into The Source. We invite you to plug in and come to study the Living Word with us.

May you Tell others about Jesus – We can find comfort in the promise Jesus will be with us. We need to go and tell others. The Holy Spirit will provide all the power and resources we need to carry out His plan in our lives. This month our students will be learning about how to tell others about the Savior. How are you training to follow the plan and task God designed you for?

May 7 Academics. money, sports or stuff? Is it the courage, kindness, thoughtfulness, or reasonable actions? How do you measure the value of people? God values everyone but not in the same way people do or think. Even before they are born people are important to God. Peter preached about Jesus at Pentecost. People should tell others about God and Jesus. Acts 2:1-42; 1 John 4:14; Matthew 28:19-20 We all have a problem called sin. All people need to hear that Jesus is the Savior.

May 14 Would they be able to hear it from you? He was from a different nation and was reading a lifechanging document but was not understanding what he was reading when Phillip told a man about Jesus. All Christians are called to be on a mission with God. Acts 8:26-40; Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 10:14. People can learn about the Savior from those around them. What example are you giving? What change needs to take place to give honor and glory to Him? Read the Word and share the Gospel through your spoken words.  

May 21 Upcycling is something people talk about doing. Changing one thing to another or making something more useful is a big thing. The word for it is conversion. Did you answer the call yet? You have to respond in some way. Saul learned about Jesus. Acts 9:1-25; Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:17 People learn and do what Jesus says. People will change when they trust Jesus as their Savior.

May 28 Have you made the commitment? How have you shown the world about your belief and stance? Peter told Cornelius about Jesus. Acts 10; Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:4. People everywhere need to hear about Jesus. Cornelius was baptized after his trust in Jesus as his Savior. Baptism is one way you can show your acceptance of God as Lord in your life. Sharing His love and plan with others is another. Are you prepared to deliver The Message?