October is a month where many talk about ghost, spirits and spells. People will dress up and hope to avoid tricks while they are seeking treats. Others try to frighten and scare you. Yet many fail to teach their children how to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-25) and to warn about the adversary that prowls seeking to devour (1Peter 5:8-10). Children have more power than they know (Psalms 8:2). Praising God, they have the power to still the enemy and avenger. There is no need to fear things of the world.

We invite you to come study for with us to learn about God’s family. In today’s culture our students experience many conflicting views about what constitutes a family. This month we will be studying about God’s plan for families and how families are to live according to God’s Word. From the beginning God had a plan. God wants all His family to work out disagreements with love and respect with guidance from the Holy Spirit. We are to help each other learn about God and His gifts for us. One way we do this is with true stories from the Bible that relate to our situations. How do you plan to contribute to the good of God’s family. Treat yourself to a Bible believing and teaching church.

October 1 A servant asked God to give him success in the mission he was assigned. God answered the prayer. God had a plan to provide for his people. God made people to live in a relationship with one another and with Him. Isaac and Rebekah Genesis 24; Romans 12:10; 1 John 4:19

October 8 Is it family conflict or drama? Many are experiencing it right now. There could have been bloodshed but he was not willing for turmoil to break the family relationship. God’s plan is for all family members to work together so that God is honored. Abram Solved a Quarrel Genesis 13; Romans 12:9-12. Difficult as it may be you can not allow yourself to nurture bad or hard feelings toward others. Do not allow it to damage your relationship with God or others.

October 15 Are you able to pass on the laws, love, and the plan? God wants family members to tell others about God and provides the Bible as a tool to use. Parents need to set the examples. Your actions, mannerisms, talk and lifestyles are teaching, is that what you want others to learn? Moses taught parents Deuteronomy 4-6; Romans 12:9-12. The instructions were clear. You are in the position to pass it on. What are you passing? Words can hurt and cause problems even wreak havoc or they can motivate, encourage, and inspire. We should honor God with our words. Don’t give the devil an opportunity. The best way to learn to do that is to study His Word. God gives us rules to guide us. Exodus 20:1-21

October 22 How would you describe loyalty? Do you have the courage and willingness to do whatever it takes? Family members can love and help others. We can work together happily when we allow God to guides and provide. Ruth helped her family Ruth1-4; Romans 12:10; Philippians 2:4. What extent can you go? Love and immeasurable kindness grow together. Prioritize your interest to seeking the blessings God wants to give you. 

October 29 Joy can come from being together with the ones you love. God’s instructions can guide you away from heartbreaks and heartaches. God’s Word is applicable and important today. The Bible teaches family members what they should do and where to find the power and resources to do it. Paul wrote about families Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:1-4; Romans 12:9-12. Connect through words Ephesians 4:25-32

Families should work together so that God is honored. God planned for mothers and fathers to teach their children about God. The best way is by example.  What example do you set when it comes to worshipping God. What are your commitments to Him? In a wedding ceremony a man and woman should not only make promises to each other but should commit to God and each other. It is God who will guide and provide in the bad and good times of life no matter what your earthly family status is.