January 2023 at Living Word.

Was He like you or are you like Him? Jesus came to earth to be like mankind to help you be different from the world.

Is your plan possible or impossible? A New Year is a time when people make new promises and renew others but many fail to continue and follow them through. Old habits can be hard to break and new routines may be hard to keep. You have to decide. Do not under value yourself! What is simple to do is also simple not to do. Experts say if you repeat something 5 times in a row it will be much easier to continue doing all year long. How do you plan to focus on the plan that you were designed and equipped to do?  Wishing you a blessed and joyful new year.

Set your goal and plan to grow in what you know to allow God’s love to show. A new year is here with 5 Sundays in January for you to praise and worship with the family of God. In the Christmas season we were reminded of a Child that came to earth fully human and fully Son of God. This month we will learn how Jesus shared God’s plan for mankind with His ministry here on earth. These are the lesson we will be sharing with our students.

January 1 Jesus like you was tempted in many ways. Many people did not like Him and did not want Him to succeed in is human life. Even though He came to earth and grew like you and I he resisted the temptations. He followed God’s plan and took a stand. Matthew 4:1-11; John 6:38; Hebrews 4:15. When Jesus was tempted, He used Scriptures to fight temptations. How can you be ready to do the right thing?  

Temptation fighters: Psalms 119:11-16; Isaiah 26:3-4; Romans 12:21; Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 6:10-18; James 4:7

January 8 Jesus came to earth fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. He came as the Messiah to be our Savior. Luke 4:16-22; John 6:38. Jesus taught in the synagogue. “The Spirit of The Lord is on Me. He has chosen Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to tell the captives that they are free, to give sight to the blind, to free people who have been treated badly, and to announce that the Lord’s favor is on us”

January 15 Jesus was able to perform miracles through the power of God. As the Son of God, He taught us about God’s plan through the Stories and Miracles He preformed while dwelling with mankind as a man. John 6:1-13, 38. Disciples had a problem would it be impossible to feed thousands of hungry people? Jesus fed people.  

January 22 Don’t let fear cause you to lose focus. Jesus is all powerful. The Son of God preformed miracles showing us the Power God. Matthew 14:22-33; John 6:38. Jesus walked on water.

January 29 Jesus showed us the healing power of the One who Created us. Jesus healed sickness, diseases, and broken hearts because He is God’s Son. Those miracles still continue today and tomorrow through the power of God. Matthew 9:35; Luke 17:11-19; John 6:38. Jesus healed 10 lepers.   

“For I have come down from Heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” John 6:38