August at Living Word 2023.

We all Work with some type of tool on a daily basis. How do you choose the proper tool? Proper tools will help you control your actions, attitudes, thoughts, and words. God gives us all tools to help us carry out His purpose and will while here on earth. The Holy Spirit is given to us as Jesus promised to be our Counselor. The Holy Spirit can convict, guide, and provide. The Bible teaches us how to live and the Holy Spirit provides the resources to live and share God’s plan. This month we will be teaching about the Holy Spirit and how we can allow Him to help us live in a way to honor God.

Aug 6 Can you believe people today are still lost? We have smart phones, GPS and a Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth yet people still wander alone and hopeless through out their life on earth. John 14:15-26 – When Jesus came to earth he gave us 2 gifts that can take care of that problem. One was eternal life and the other is the Holy Spirit. Can you think about a time when the Holy Spirit guided or led you? Allow the Holy Spirit to convict and teach.

Aug 13 Some things are difficult or impossible for you to do on your own. A hard thing for many is to share God’s plan with those around them. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide and provide you the courage and strength to tell others about Jesus. Acts 1:8; 6:8-15; 7. Stephen was full of God’s grace and power and would not stop telling others about Jesus. The power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit was working in him. That same Holy Spirit can empower you if you allow it. Pray for God to give you courage, opportunity, and words to tell others about God’s plan of saving people from their sin by giving salvation.  

Aug 20 Do you know which way to go? Have you made some wrong turns, stopped in wrong locations, or started when you should not have? Do you know how to recognize authority? God provides guidance for people to follow and obey Him. Acts 15:40-41; 16:1-12; John 14:26; Philippians 2:13 The Holy Spirit prevented them from going the wrong direction and guided them through difficult places.

Aug 27 Why did you get hurt? Would the outcome have been different if you were prepared with and using the proper equipment. You have a choice on how to live. You must choose every day to live in a way that will honor God. Ephesians 6:10-20; John 14:26. God wants you to have pure thoughts and actions

Can you imagine the impact you could have today if you sought God with passion and determination? Don’t let anything pull you away from Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit!