April 2020 at Living Word –

This April is different in the life of all. Many have been placed into a 30 day lock down. The church building has been given limits by our government. Keep in mind God’s church is people in God’s Family. Families are part of God’s plan for the earth. Families provide emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and social needs for each other.  Families pray & pull together in times like these. Spring is way of showing us God’s plan of new growth. God gives us so much more. I urge you to take time now to study what God’s word has to say to you. Listed below is the lessons we would have if Sunday School was taking place. I urge you to take the lessons and turn them into your everyday school lessons to share with young and old. Let God’s story be told.

Children learn about Jesus our Savior. GRACE secured to the cross gave victory over death forever.

 April 5 The crowd welcomed Jesus – Matthew 21:1-11; John 14:6 – God provided a plan for salvation because He loves me.

April 12 Crucifixion & Resurrection – Matthew 26:36-28:10 – Jesus died to pay the penalty for my sins.

April 19 Thomas believed – John 20:19-31- God’s salvation is a gift that every person needs and can receive.

April 26  The Holy Spirit came – Acts 2; John 14:6,26 – The Holy Spirit urges people to receive God’s salvation

Youth learn about Eternal life & the Resurrection.  You were designed to be in a better situation. You were designed to live set apart from the ways of the world. You were designed with a great purpose. You were designed to find satisfaction in God. Jesus came to fulfill God’s plan for you, accept the gift!

 April 5 Eternal life- Revelation 21:1-8; 22:1-5 – Life on earth is short but we can live forever in God’s presence if we devote our earthly lives to Christ. God’s salvation is eternal, and once we are adopted into God’s family, nothing can separate us from Him.

April 12 Truth of the Resurrection – 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Psalm 16:9-11; Matthew 12:39-40 – There is an abundance of evidence to prove the resurrection was a historical fact yet the world fails to see the resurrection makes salvation possible for everyone who trust in God’s plan for them. From the beginning God planned for Jesus to save people from their sins, it was necessary for Him to be crucified and raised.

April 19 Why the Resurrection Matters – 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 54-58 – The resurrection of Christ changes everything. Death is a consequence of sin (Romans 6:23). Death has been swallowed up in victory. Jesus made life available to all who put their trust in Him.

April 26  Love – John 15:9-14 – Love should characterize every relationship. Loving others is an essential part of our walk with Christ. Love comes from time spent with God. Being close to God requires more than knowing. We should share God’s love as we live out our faith responding to His call.

Could the time shut inside have a purpose?  They have a hunger that can’t be satisfied. In fact, they will eat 200 times their body weight in only 2 weeks. However, that is not why they were created, it is part of the growing process. Their purpose comes after they enclose themselves in a chrysalis. When the time is right, they emerge with amazing color and patterns and the ability to fly. The butterfly also has taste receptors on their feet to help them find food and identify plants. This is a special gift given to them so they can tell what is good for them and what is bad for them. We like the caterpillar are on an endless hunt to find satisfaction. You were not designed to remain unfilled. You were designed for a relationship with God. When you find and develop that relationship your real splendor will shine. Are you ready to emerge with great growth?