December 2021 at Living Word

December can be a time of emotional, mental, and spiritual growth or stress. What are you plans? Chaos or Christ? How do you prepare for the CHRISTmas season? Prophets shared God’s plan to send a Savior. God prepared the failing world for Jesus from the very beginning. How have you fit Jesus into your preparations?

CHRISTmas is the revealing of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God, and the salvation of man. A time to grow in knowledge and a relationship with God.

What do you like about babies? Newborn babies can be adorable yet vulnerable, every baby has to have a grown-up to meet every need. A baby can not even change positions from front to back or side to side without help. Someone has to make sure a baby stays warm but not to hot, gets a bath, changing, cleaning, food and every other human need. The God who created the universe, the earth and everything in it came to earth and went through every stage of growth from a tiny newborn, to a child, to a teen, to an adult. He experienced every emotion that you and I do. Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:15-16

December 5 Yes you can say that the Christmas story is old news. The birth of Jesus was not the beginning of the story. The prophets foretold the Messiah’s birth. God would send The Savior – Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5 Micah 5:2

Hundreds of years before Jesus was ever born, we were told He would be born and what He would be like.

Jesus would be miraculously conceived – born to a virgin

Jesus would be Immanuel – God with us

Jesus would have responsibilities- Eternal Father, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor

Jesus would have a spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, and fear/ respect for God.

Jesus would execute justice righteously for all persons

Jesus would choose to live a righteous and faithful life, showing people how to live according to God’s Word.

The family tree would come from Bethlehem

December 12 God chose who would care for Jesus as He grew. God Chose Mary and Joseph and told them of a plan for a virgin birth. Matthew 1:18-24; Luke 1:26-56

December 19 God sent His Son to earth as a baby. Jesus was born. Jesus came to earth fully man and fully God. Luke 2:1-20

December 26 People can honor Jesus by worshiping Him. Wise Men Worshiped Jesus. Matthew 2:1-12