September at Living Word

The world teaches us that it is important to be part of clubs, teams and organizations. You can become known you because of your involvement in these. You can spend a great deal of money and time involved in these groups. In doing so you gain bragging rights, benefits, and perks. It is more important that you are connected to the body of Christ. You have the privilege to become part of God’s family because Christ paid the price. Plug in and stay connected in Christ. Show your spirit with the Holy Spirit.
As part of the body of Christ you have access to the sovereign and eternal King of everything!

In September the students will be learning how to get connected.

Sept 7th deals with the relationship to Christ
Children are learning I do matter the story is from Exodus 1:8-2:10 Miriam and Moses
Middle school – Connect in Christ Ephesians 2:17-22

Sept 14th deals with unity as Christians
Children learn Moses led with God’s guidance Genesis 5-12
Middle School – Connect in unity Ephesians 4:1-6

Sept 21st is about spiritual growth
Children learn how God protects as He guides Exodus 13:17-15:21
Middle School – Connect in growth Ephesians 4:11-16

Sept 28th We should honor God
Children learn God gives us rules to guide us. Exodus 20
Middle school – Connect through words Ephesians 4:25-32

Our children’s class are on the right down the hall with the older elementary grades being the first door on right. Younger elementary the second door on the right.

Pre-k and kinder class is the last door on the right.

We invite all middle school students to come to a class geared just for them on the first door on the left. You will be learning how the Bible applies to your life.
Being connected to a body of believers will help you carry out the mission that God has for you.